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Shamanu: Journey into Sacred Silence

Entering the space of sacred silence is essential for the balance and regeneration of your spirit. It’s where you remember and connect to the vast wisdom and primal knowing of who you are. Where you come home to yourself to recharge, balance and ‘Dream’. In this space the Sacred whispers, and you listen.

30 Nov - 1 Dec, 2024

Through the nourishing dance of silence, we allow the fluidity of movement, breath and sound to gently guide us into the home of dreams, visions and regeneration. Gentle somatic processes integrate, cleanse, and make space for the new.  Active breath and earth-centred meditation revitalize the energy centers, attuning the body, mind and spirit.

Perceiving our bodies as living expressions of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Ether, we journey into their great wisdom teachings within and around us. Surrendering to the heart’s primacy and its power of receptivity, we access the realms of intuition, feelings, and felt awareness where we can hear Earth’s voice as She calls us into what is new for self and planet.

This journey is an invitation to enter the sweet darkness of Autumn and return to the womb of inner silence for rejuvenation and visioning of the ‘yet to be’.

The Journey Includes a Heart Opening Sacred Cacao Ceremony and a Drum journey into the heart of Mother Earth.

Held within a sacred space, self-paced and intuitively centred, the workshop invites authentic and imaginative exploration. Feelings, memories, and creative impulses are welcomed expressions in this journey.

Nov 30 & Dec 1, 2024

9:30 – 5:00

Regular Rate: 275.00
Reduced Rate: 225.00 for those who find the regular rate beyond their means
Sponsor Rate: 325.00 to support those who need to choose the ‘Reduced Rate

Prices do not include tax, lunches and accommodations. Please bring a vegan lunch for both days, a journal, bottled water, a yoga mat and a blanket. Herbal teas and water will be served.

Read our Commitment & Cancellation Policy

About Shamanu: Earth Wisdom Teachings

Registration Details

  • Dates: Nov 30 & Dec 1, 2024, 9:30 – 5:00

  • Cost: Regular Rate: 275.00

    Reduced Rate: 225.00 for those who find the regular rate beyond their means

    Sponsor Rate: 325.00 to support those who need to choose the ‘Reduced Rate

  • Where: The Living Centre, London, ON.

Meet your instructors


Lorenna Bousquet-Kacera is a 74-year-old Métis grandmother and Earth ceremonialist. Her spiritual insights and heritage have significantly impacted her life and service. For the past 35 years, she has been the steward of Shamanu: Earth-Wisdom Teachings, which was established in 1989. Shamanu utilizes eco-philosophy, Earth poetry, Primordial Movement, sound-play, dance, breathwork, Earth Rituals, and Sacred theatre to awaken the spiritual force that enlivens the universe, the natural world, and ourselves. Along with her husband, she is the co-director of The Living Centre, a 50-acre eco-spiritual education sanctuary located in Canada.

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