Shantree Kacera, a renowned author and educator, is a leading figure in natural medicine, ecology, and permaculture. His invaluable contributions to wholistic health, herbalism, wild nutrition, ecology, forest gardening, and regeneration make him a widely recognized expert.

Lorenna Bousquet-Kacera is a highly knowledgeable and experienced educator and practitioner specializing in Shamanu Earth Wisdom Teachings, WomanEarh, wholistic healing and permaculture. Lorenna's teachings inspire individuals to adopt a more conscious and holistic approach to their well-being, recognizing the importance of nurturing themselves and the planet.

Their unparalleled expertise and unbridled passion for the past 50-years each have significantly contributed to promoting regenerative living practices. Their relentless efforts have raised awareness about the vital interdependence between human health and the environment. Their exceptional work has brought about a positive shift in our way of life, and their contributions serve as a beacon of hope for a healthier and more resilient future.

Read more about Shantree

Read more about Lorenna