Shantree Kacera, R.H., D.N., Ph.D.

Ayurvedic Nutritionist, Herbalist, Regenerative Ecologist

The Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation is a one-on-one integrative health program designed by Shantree Kacera.
Our wholistic health program facilitates a way of life that moves clients toward optimum vitality, wellness, and awareness.

The program considers an Individualized Diet, Lifestyle & Whole Food Supplementation and the finest Organic Herbs and Super-Food Nutrients.

Shantree Kacera uses a personalized, integrated, wholistic approach to health. He observes and assesses various dimensions and perspectives to provide an all-encompassing view of your overall state of health. This approach is based on Ayurvedic Medicine and uses a Tenfold Constitutional Diagnosis, Assessment and Treatment Protocol.

A healing partnership is encouraged between you and Shantree as you make the most nurturing and healing choices for yourself. This guides your therapeutic protocol program in a way and at a pace that uniquely fits your needs. Your therapeutic plan includes the following:

  • Your body-mind personality

  • Nutritional program for your unique constitution

  • Stress management practices

  • Healthy lifestyle awareness

  • Herbal & whole-food supplementation

  • body-mind-spirit balance

A Lifestyle Consultation offers natural healing methods to help you achieve and maintain optimum biological and psycho-spiritual balance states. These natural, holistic approaches stimulate your vital healing forces, overcoming imbalances and allowing optimum health to manifest.

This approach also uncovers hidden resistances to healing, allowing you and your practitioner to see and dissolve blocks as they arise. Subtle and chronic diseases often dissipate as the body, mind, and spirit rebalance.

Symptom relief depends on your commitment to your healing process and degree of wellness. The clinic does not focus on or assume responsibility for diagnosing pathological disease processes like cancer. Instead, they aim to discover the underlying psychophysiological and spiritual techniques that keep one from enjoying optimum health.

My Commitment to You

  • To treat your condition as if it was mine.

  • To use the best of my ability and training to achieve your goals.

  • To give my undivided attention to your case.

  • Research your needs as required and give you the best Ayurvedic Wisdom and Herbal Medicine offers.

Your Commitment

  • To realize that your health is your responsibility.

  • Follow your protocol as per instructions.

  • To have the discipline to make life changes for good.

  • To believe that I have your very best interest at heart.

  • To have the patience to achieve your goals using herbal medicine.

My approach to ayurvedic wisdom and herbal medicine is earnest, as it is my passion. I am 100% convinced of its effectiveness. I expect my clients to have the same belief, dedication and the realization that you will regain, maintain or improve their health through herbal medicine and other required lifestyle changes.

I want you to be sure that herbal medicine is your choice, as I will dedicate as much time as required to help you achieve your goals.

Ayurvedic Constitutional Diagnosis

The Art of Ayurvedic Diagnosis is a unique opportunity to experience a tenfold diagnosis process that will support you in determining current conditions, imbalances in the doshas and ways to correct these imbalances.

A few examinations are conducted to discover the disease’s root cause in Ayurveda. The study of a patient is divided into three parts. They are as follows:

  • Observation.

  • Palpation, Percussion, Touch.

  • Interview & Questions

These steps are applied to a further detailed examination of the patient that is conducted in two ways – Tenfold Examination and Eightfold Examination. The patient’s check-up is done by this test considering the following ten factors.

The tenfold examination has been practiced for thousands of years in ancient Indian and used in Ayurvedic Medicine. In this examination, as the name suggests, the check-up of the patient is done by considering the following ten factors:

Tenfold Examination

  • Regarding the structural and functional abnormalities of the body

  • The geographical situation of the place where the patient lives

  • Physical strength

  • The season and climatic conditions

  • The digestive system of the patient

  • Prakruti The natural tridosha constitution of the body

  • Age of the patient

  • Psychological strength of the patient

  • General and personal habits of the patient

  • Nature of the food

After the tenfold examination, the eightfold test is conducted to diagnose the imbalance or disorder. In this examination, ten constitutional blueprints are more practical and valuable.

Eightfold Examination

  • Pulse

  • Urine

  • Fecal matter

  • Tongue-taste

  • Voice and speech of the patient

  • Touch, skin and tactile sense

  • Eyes and vision

  • General body build & Facial diagnosis, e.g., lean, muscular, etc.

Who Can Benefit?

Our Ayurvedic lifestyle consultation empowers you with the knowledge and tools needed to transform your life. Our metabolic empowerment programs help shift perceptions and paradigms toward a life-enhancing and regenerative future.

Empowerment Lifestyle Program Options

All the Program Options for international clients can be completed online using Zoom. Please get in touch with Shantree to discuss the details.

One-Month Program
Includes two 1   1/2-hour sessions and two 15-minute telephone check-in session
(Total 3  1/2 hours) – $750 (plus HST tax).

NEW - Living on Life-Force (3-Month Program) (Starting in March, accepting only 3 Patients)

Includes two 2-hour sessions, one 1-hour Session and four 30-minute telephone sessions.
(Total 7 hours) – $1500 (plus HST tax)

One Season – Three-Month Program
Includes two 2-hour sessions, one 1-hour Session and four 30-minute telephone sessions.
(Total 7 hours) – $1500 (plus HST tax)

Two Season – Six-Month Program – The Comprehensive Regenerative Program
Includes three 2-hour, six 1-hour, in-person or telephone sessions.
(Total 12 hours) – $2500 (plus HST tax)

Mentorship Six-Month Programs - Student Rate 
(Total 12 hours) – $2000 (plus HST tax)


Empowerment Program: Living on Life-Force
(Year-long monthly Zoom Sessions – 2 hours each)
(Total 24 Hours) $2500

Customized Protocols

1) Activating Your Metabolic Microbiome
Includes two 1-hour sessions and two 15-minute telephone check-in session
Herbal Metabolic Microbiome Package juice and herbal recipe recommendations and a detailed step-by-step process and progress charts
(Total 2 1/2 hours) – $500 (plus HST tax)

2) Nutritional Fast – One-Month Program
Includes two 1-hour sessions and two 15-minute telephone check-in session
Nutritional Fast Package with juicing recommendations and herbal recipes and a detailed step-by-step process and progress charts
(Total 2 1/2 hours) – $500 (plus HST tax)

3) Constitutional Cleansing Protocol – One-Month Program
Includes two 1-hour sessions and two 15-minute telephone check-in session
Nutritional Fast Package with juicing recommendations and herbal recipes and a detailed step-by-step process and progress charts
(Total 2 1/2 hours) – $500 (plus HST tax)

4) Rasayana Rejuvenation Protocol – One-Month Program
Includes two 1-hour sessions and two 15-minute telephone check-in session
Nutritional Fast Package with juicing recommendations and herbal recipes and a detailed step-by-step process and progress charts
(Total 2 1/2 hours) – $500 (plus HST tax)

Urgency Session
Total One Session – $275 (plus HST tax)

Clinic Cancellation Policy:
We require 24-hour notice if you wish to reschedule or cancel your appointment. Clients who fail to notice their community clinic appointments are subject to a $50 cancellation fee. I appreciate your understanding.

To Book Session

1) Email Shantree at info@thelivingcentre or call 519-652-0230 

2) We’ll email you a Constitutional Questionnaire & Health Intake Form to fill out.

3) Once you return the Health Intake Form, Shantree will review it and determine the best approach for your health and healing. 

Telephone Consultations

$150 for a 60-minute session with Shantree Kacera

To schedule an appointment or learn more, call or email us at:

Please Note: The Living Centre does not have a direct relationship with insurance companies. We provide our clients with the documentation needed to be reimbursed through their insurance companies if their policy covers nutritionists, herbalists or Ayurvedic practitioners.

Herbal Juice Extract Formulations

Customized formulations are not included in the programs.
100 ml Bottle
250 ml Bottle
500 ml Bottle (Wholesale Price)

Special Immune Support Protocol – Package

One-Month (4-6 Week Program) $225
Mini 30-Minute Telephone Consultation
4 Herbal Juice Extract Formulas (100 ml each)

Three-Month (10-12 Week Program) $425
Mini 30-Minute Telephone Consultation
4 Herbal Extract Juice Formulas (250 ml each)

Six-Month (20-24 Week Program) $675
Mini 30-Minute Telephone Consultation
4 Herbal Juice Extract Formulas (500 ml each)

Earth as Healer, Guide & Mentor
A Walk-in-Nature

Shantree invites you for a walk in nature, an integrative path of living ecology with personal development and self-understanding; by turning our attention to Mother Earth for wisdom and nurturing, we can develop a deeper bond with the natural world, and individuals can find solutions to personal struggles. There is a pulse of wild intelligence and wisdom that Earth can clarify for us about our lives and ourselves – for all of us are looking for a home.

2-3 hour walk $250

To schedule an appointment or learn more, call or email us at:

Herbal Juice Extracts

We bring attention to harvesting at optimum times and specialized pressing and bottling of individual herbs. This means that the whole plant can be absorbed with all its goodness, from phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, saponins, tannins, trace elements, bitters, mucilage, and etheric oils.

As natural compositions, the complex of active ingredients is contained in an undiluted herbal extract in concentrated form. These active ingredients are particularly easily absorbed by the body. They are usually 4 – 10 more concentrated than a typical herbal tincture.

These herbal juices provide a high bioavailability of nutrients and are absorbed quickly.

Our fresh herbal juices are all-natural and unadulterated, without sweeteners or other flavour enhancers. The superb quality of our pure herbal juice extracts is organic or wild-grown plants and herbs. 

We have over 100 herbal extracts. These are customized for each individual according to their unique constitution and specific needs.

Benefits of Using Fresh Herbal Juice Extracts:

  • They allow for optimal absorption.

  • They are more concentrated.

  • They can be taken in water, juice, or tea.

  • They have a long shelf life.

  • They allow you to get to know the taste of the plants.

  • They support changes in the body much more quickly than other methods of taking herbs.

  • Individual herbs can be combined to make a customized formula.

  • They are convenient and easy to take.

Alcohol is a better solvent than water for extracting the active ingredients of plants, which supports the effectiveness of herbal medicine. Active ingredients are the parts of the plant that have an effect on the body. Alcohol preserves these ingredients for many years and allows for easy absorption of the liquid extract by the body. Moreover, alcohol protects the extract from bacteria and fermentation and does not require refrigeration. Alcohol extraction is much more effective than water extraction, making plant medicine more effective than other methods of taking herbs, such as capsules, decoctions, or infusions. Alcohol extracts also enhance the aroma and flavours of the herbs, allowing the user to understand better the herbs they are taking. The therapeutic benefits of a herb are due to its taste and aroma. A pleasant scent and taste of herbs can promote a sense of well-being. For instance, bitter herbs can stimulate digestion.

Note: Herbal Juice Extract Formulations
Customized formulations are not included in the programs.
100 ml Bottle
250 ml Bottle
500 ml Bottle (Wholesale Price)

Clarity Quest: Breathing into Consciousness

An Inner Personal Journey for Personal Meaning and Fulfilment

It supports you through intention, deep questioning, journaling, and circular heart breathing. It helps to activate the subconscious mind and bring awareness and insights not easily accessed through traditional therapy. Breath is a powerful medicine. It is a gentle, safe and profound tool for rejuvenating and regenerative. It uses the ancient practice of circular heart breathing that has been utilized for centuries for healing and attaining higher states of consciousness. It is a profound tool for healing and transformation on all levels ~physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

This practice can increase the available energy in the physical body, improve the clarity of the mind and allow a release of blocked emotional energy to uplift the spirit gently. For eons of time, yogis, saints, and sages alike have expounded on the power and importance of the breath to bring us greater awareness and presence.

What is a session like?

Every session involves in-depth intuitive counselling, inner exploration, and one hour of circular heart breathing practice. The first session includes a thorough interview where you explore and discuss current life situations, what you know about your history and life patterns that have emerged, and how they may affect your life. You then set intentions for our work together. After sharing, you will be guided in a one-hour breathing practice and receive one-on-one support to unravel more profound layers of held tension, stress, belief systems, and suppressed emotions and open to a greater sense of well-being. 

How do I begin?

The first level of this journey calls for a series of private sessions. To begin, I recommend going through the one-month clarity quest process before you commit to the three-month journey.

A 3-Step Process

1)  30-minute session sharing your intention (there are a few practices and questions to prepare you for the heart breathing process)
2)  120-minute one-on-one circular heart breathing session. I highly recommend journaling your process for the next few weeks.
3)  30-minute session sharing your insights, visions and understandings. 

One-Month Clarity Quest – $300

Three-Month Clarity Quest – $750

To schedule an appointment or learn more, call or email us at:
519-652-0230 attn: Shantree

To schedule an appointment or learn more, call or email us at:
519-652-0230 attn: Shantree

Still have Questions?